Chapter 02: Create a Spirit Profile

Create a Spirit Profile

Ghost hunters have a better chance of experiencing the supernatural after developing a spirit profile. A spirit profile is no different from what the FBI uses to track down criminals. If a ghost hunter wants to catch an elusive ghost, they must understand the behavioral patterns of that particular ghost. Spirit profiling is an investigative process of uncovering consistent patterns. Understanding these patterns will help determine what types of ghosts are present and what mannerisms or abnormalities those ghosts perform. Once this information has been gathered, it can be analyzed to determine when and where the paranormal activity is most likely to occur.

Conducting basic research is the first step to identifying the ghost. Once the ghost is identified, continue gathering personal information on who that ghost was when they were alive. In the beginning, no detail should be overlooked. Search for information about the suspected ghost’s personality – were they married, did they smoke or drink, what was their favorite food, etc. Probably the most important questions: Did they have special earthly attachments? What was the exact date of death? What was the cause of death? If possible, interview people that knew that person in life such as friends, family and anyone else that would have information that cannot be collected from historical records. Sometimes the ghost cannot be identified or the ghost is so old that there are no longer living friends or relatives to interview. In those cases, ghost hunters should do their best to identify the ghost and uncover its personality from historical records and the stories of eyewitnesses.

Once the background and life history of the ghost is finished, move onto identifying the characteristics of the ghost. Does the haunting activity stay in one particular location or does it move around? Does the ghost make noises during a certain time of day? Does the ghost move objects, and if so, what objects? Does the ghost manifest in apparition form? Do the haunting characteristics happen on specific days or times such as the anniversary of a death? It is important to keep note of every available detail.

Once every piece of the haunting has been gathered together, begin analyzing the research to find possible patterns. Use patterns to plan when and where to set up a ghost hunt. It does absolutely no good to conduct a ghost hunt at times and places that are different from what the spirit profile has determined. For example, the spirit profile shows that a ghost moves objects in the attic on Tuesday nights at four a.m. Using this valuable knowledge, a surveillance camera can be set up at the appropriate place (attic) and time (four a.m.) to get the best possible results. A ghost hunt on another day or time would be pointless because that is not when the ghostly activity is known to occur. Too often ghost hunters and skeptics will not create a spirit profile and they will conduct a ghost hunt in the wrong place at the wrong time, and then when nothing happens they instantly label the case a hoax or debunk the ghost.

Spirit profiling is not difficult. Collect and write down known details about the ghost or haunting. Conduct interviews, arrange clues, obtain research and then analyze the facts. If enough information has been gathered, consistent patterns should begin to emerge. These particular patterns provide a ghost hunter with a much better chance of experiencing the paranormal. A simple spirit profile can mean the difference between a successful and a failed ghost hunt.

NEXT Chapter 2: Places to Find Ghosts