Chapter 02: Getting Rid of Ghosts

Getting Rid of Ghosts

There are literally endless recommendations for casting out ghosts. The methods range from complex and scientific to ritualistic and ridiculous. The simple truth of the matter is if there was a proven method to banish ghosts, then there would be no such things as ghosts. Every ghost would be forcibly removed from the haunting; however, that is obviously not the case. Psychological components and religious beliefs contribute to people fantasizing that they can control or command ghosts, but there is no evidence to support these claims. There are several categories of ghosts that seem to be asking the living for help but this is not the same as forcibly casting out a ghost.

How to get rid of a ghost is a common question. It is usually the first question asked when someone finds out they are living with a ghost. For centuries, people have been creating various methods to banish ghosts and block them from entering a home. Generally speaking, these methods are nothing more than home remedies passed down from generation to generation. Some methods might seem to have an effect, but those effects are usually psychosomatic and will only last for a short period of time.

Many cleansing rituals work based on a phenomenon known as the placebo effect. The placebo effect is the tendency of a treatment, even an inert or ineffective treatment, to exhibit results simply because the recipient believes it will work. If someone expects the action of casting out a ghost to work, then the perception will be that the ghost has been cast out after the action has been completed. The placebo treatment creates a short-term therapeutic effect.

These are common methods used to ward off unwanted ghosts. The author does not make the claim that these methods are valid.

Amulet: Amulets are objects that are believed to have the power of protection, good luck and defense against evil forces. Potential amulets include jewelry, jewels, magic pouches, parchments, pieces of metal, knives, religious symbols, stones, statues, coins, drawings, pendants, rings and words, which are some of the more popular amulets. Amulets can be worn around the neck, carried somewhere on the body, placed inside homes, above doorways, in bedrooms, in burial tombs and in holy places. The main use for the amulet throughout history has been to counter evil spirits and ward off ghosts. Amulets are also called talismans and charms.

Salt: Salt is a medieval remedy used to hold off evil spirits. A little bit of salt poured across areas of a home such as across doorways and windowsills is believed to block evil spirits from entering. It is the belief that ghosts cannot cross over the line of salt. The salt can be spread in a circle referred to as a circle of protection. Anyone standing inside the ring of salt will be safe from evil spirits outside of the ring.

Silver: Silver is an element used to keep away ghosts and evil spirits. Silver is considered a metallic element of purity and has been used for protection against evil in many ancient cultures throughout history such as the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians and Mongolians. The silver is melted down to form amulets, jewelry, bullets, daggers and various religious symbols. Silver amulets and daggers can be put into the ground above a grave to prevent the ghost from escaping. Silver nails driven into coffin lids are said to help prevent ghosts. It is a belief among psychics that the chemical element of silver holds powers that can enhance human psychic abilities.

Prayer or Blessing: A blessing is the infusion of something with holiness or divine will. A blessing ritual consists of a holy person performing various prayers and blessing rites that are believed to ward off ghosts. Prayers, chanting and religious symbols are spread throughout a home to help free the house from ghosts and spirits. Various religious prayers are also believed to help get rid of unwanted ghosts and evil spirits.

Ask the Ghost to Leave: This method may sound strange but there have been cases where people simply ask the ghosts not to appear or cause problems. If it works, this method could save a lot of time and money. Simply stand in the room where the ghost is believed to be the most active and politely request that the ghost stop manifesting and bothering the living.

The So-Called Ghost Buster: There are people who claim to be able to get rid of ghosts using equipment like high-tech electromagnets, electromagnetic pulse generators and air ion distorters. Use a great deal of caution before bringing these people into your home. These can be credible and honest people who are genuinely attempting to rid the home of ghosts but there are also other less credible individuals looking for a way to take advantage of a bad situation. Ask a lot of questions, always check references and never pay in cash. Never pay large amounts of money for the job and find out if these ghost busters offer a money-back guarantee.

Psychics: The psychic business can be even shadier than the ghost busters. The problem is that anyone can claim to be a psychic. Psychics can come into a house and make up elaborate stories about ghosts. There are credible psychics in the world. The problem is that credible psychics are rare. Keep in mind that even the world’s best psychic has no power to control or cast out ghosts. A psychic might be able to explain who the ghost is and why the ghost is haunting, but there is no guarantee that a psychic can make the ghost go away.

Gargoyle Statues: A gargoyle is a grotesque carved stone figure with a spout designed to convey water from a roof and away from the side of a building. These gargoyle statues are believed to be the guardians of the building on which they reside. The legend is that gargoyle statues will ward off evil spirits.

Religious Symbols: Believers contend that placing meaningful religious symbols throughout a home will help keep ghosts and evil spirits away. These symbols can be objects, pictures, written words or particular marks that represent a religious association. These symbols must have personal significance to the person using the symbol. The power to ward of evil spirits is derived from the faith in the symbol.

NEXT Chapter 2: Ghost-Hunting Myths